Sunday, September 21, 2008


Not sure about those who visit my blog regularly, I realised that I have less and less posts in blog after the 2nd half of the year. Wonder???

1. Less events
2. Too busy (this is not good... been working none stop, last week, I worked for more than 36 hours continuously)
3. Too tired
4. Too lazy

Yeah!! I need a kick to motivate me to blog...

Recently, I thought of blogging my life/ time in NZ. What's so special? Indeed it's very special... I wouldn't say that it's the happiest moment. It's the special 2 years that I have had memories that I still remember till now... Also, since a few people have been asking me about travelling to NZ. haha.. I shall introduce them to my blog them. haha.... pengsan... Seriously, I would like some feedback how many would like to see some NZ blog???

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