There were 19 of us on this climb. Those from Seremban were told to meet at McDonald at Tesco, S2 at 4am. And Karen from JB will meet us at Kluang. Dr. James led a team from IMU and we have another team. All 3 cars departed from Seremban shortly after 4am. It's about 2.5 hours drive from Seremban to Kluang. We arrived at Kluang Railway station kopitiam slightly earlier than the business hour (7am) for breakfast.
The Kluang Railway kopitiam operates from 7am - 2pm daily and close on Thursday.
Food for breakfast and energy to climb. Milo + 1 nasi lemak + 1 roti bakar (keping) + 2 half-boiled eggs. All were super yummy. I think I could eat more but decided not to.

Then, it's another about 30 minutes drive to the base. We need to submit our names to the police station (permit applied), and a guide needed. It's not a very cheap climb.
All were ready and excited to start the journey after some stretching and briefing by Peter.

The climb started after we crossed a hanging bridge and few cemented steps. The trail was quite flat or very minimal incline. There were many fallen trees throughout the entire climb. We have to cross or go on top of the tree trunks to get over to continue the journey. There were parts where ropes where prepared to help the climbers.

We could see signboard indicating how far have we walked/ climbed from base till KM3. Apparently, there was a trail run from base till KM3 few weeks ago.
At CP1, I was 'kissed' by vampire on my neck. Thank goodness Peter saw it and able to get rid of it, it was still small then. But, managed to leave a mark on my neck.

Another interesting thing that I found was the many roots in this mountain. Roots can be an aid as well as danger too.

At KM3, we saw rock which looks like jaws (gigi). It's only halfway. From there on, it's quite a steep climb all the way. It just get steeper and steeper. Some parts are literally 90 degree.

oh... my buddy.. We are suppose to walk with buddy system. Because my buddy is a young and energetic gentleman, I have actually told him to go ahead as I know it can be quite torturing to wait. While I like to enjoy the journey, took pictures, look up, look down, left and right. So, I ended up partnering with Edwin and Karen. We took turn to lead which was great.
As we moved higher, we crossed many hourse back. Some really narrow. If one fall to either side, will just go down to the slope. And also times where we just walked on the cliff.

As we reached CP3, there is where campers could overnight there. The guide shared his oranges with us. Wow... the sweetest thing on earth at that moment. :)
Vegetation started to change from CP3 onwards too.
More 90 degree sharp climb as we passed CP3. There are parts where we need to use our hands to help to pull ourselves up. Then, En. Roslan (our guide) told us not far.. not far.. walked further infront where we will see the Botak/ false peak. It's an open area where we can see the peak is on the other side.

Then, we have to go into the bush, to go through a moss forest. It's another another 20-30 minutes and reached the peak.

Overall, I have spent 4 hours up. It was stunning view up there. Total height of the mountain of 1010m. :) I was glad that my buddy who have a choice to descent earlier decided to spent time at the peak with me. Took some pictures and we descent together. But, he sped off with Peter halfway through. hahaha...

So, I actually did my job of being a sweeper ascending and descending. ;)
If not because of the mist, we should have even better view. Quite a lot of climbers up there, a large number of them from Singapore.
As we have to turnaround and go down by 2pm. So, we started our journey down.
My camera also ran out of battery when I arrived the top. Edwin said surely as I kept taking pictures all the way. Also partly myself didn't get the fully charged battery.
The going down was not as difficult as we thought it would be. There were parts where I just turned around and face inward to go down, it makes it easier for descent.
After CP3, a climber who is also a marathoner, Lau, fall. He was right in front of me, but, I couldn't be able to save him. He felt a few steps with his face down. If not because of a tree which stopped him, I would think he will continue to go down. Thank God, he only bitten his own lips and no major injury. I was truly shocked of that.
Overall, I used 7 hours for the 12KM climb. And my legs were very tired.
As much as we wanted to eat in restaurant, it was packed with people due to Mother's day celebration. So, we opted for street food which was alright too. :)
We reached back to Seremban at about 10.30pm. Indeed a long, tiring and rewarding day.
Asked if I will go back again? I will though the terrain is not as interesting. It's still a nice place to climb. Just that it's a bit far from Seremban.
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