Eunice mentioned to me a few times this year that we should go to Apek Hill in Cheras, KL. She said, there's waterfall there, Johnny stays very near there too. It doesn't really interest me so much. Then, on one of the FB conversation, it was brought up and Johnny said, come on 11 April. It's an additional holiday, King's installation. So, we kinda agreed on FB. And somehow I got excited. When I checked with Eunice again, she said, she has another movie date on 11 April which means we can't go. So, means no climbing?! Well... I still can go Kepayang and look for another time for Apek then.
In the evening of 10 April, Eunice rang asking if I still want to go to Apek Hill? OK was my answered, but... She said, should be ok since the movie is in the evening. So, we gonna meet at Steve Yap's place at 6am which I got the direction and will needa figured it out. Later in the evening, I got another call that I need to drive. I said, OK. But, I need live GPS. ;)
So, I started packing right after dinner. And I started to get more anxious, butterflies in my tummy. Why? I kept telling myself, it's just a hill. Still.... Maybe I have not been. Though I have tried to look into internet for more info, still.
Next morning, I found Steve's place and was there slightly before 6am. Cheng and Fong arrived at 6am sharp. Transferred the things, and headed off to KL. We took Lekas! It's also my first time. Should have done the ribbon cutting. It has less street lights and traffic.
We arrived at Johnny's place slightly after 7am. Why? Because the 'live GPS' (Steve) has some malfunction, and we were round and round admiring some really big bungalows.. :D So, upon transferred all the bags into Johnny's car. We went for breakfast before the hike.
There were already many cars when we got to the foothill. So, we have to park slightly further. Cheng has no bag, steady only. Steve has a 2L camelpack, also steady. Johnny, Eunice (~5kg) and I have a backpack. There were quite a lot of people. We passed by some houses, 2 stalls before the trail started. There were few entrance, some really steep, and some more gradual. For us, definitely take the more humble route. hahaha....
The 1st station was about 18 minutes after the hike/ walk where we have to cross a small bridge. Then, it's ascent gradually with some flat ground all the way. It's quite a long walk. Steve enjoyed the terrain, and we told him to run ahead after station 3 and wait for us at station 5 or 6. I must agree that the terrain is nice. :)
There were some gym equipments make by locals at Station 5 (I guess). It was quite dark and seems like going to rain already. And still, we wanted to go on. We asked an uncle on the direction to waterfall. He said, go straight, another 5 minutes to another tent, then, take left. After 5 minutes, we reached a tent, and the rain came in. It was quite heavy and the mist came in. We waited for maybe 10-15 minutes. Johnny said, since we were here, we should go to the waterfall, at least Steven and I. Cheng and Fong were not keen as they have been and they kept saying it was very steep to the waterfall. So, the 3 of us went ahead in the rain to the waterfall while Fong and Cheng went back to Station 5 to wait for us. As it was raining all the while and indeed going downhill with some fallen trees, I didn't manage to get any pictures. We arrived at the waterfall after 38 minutes. Rested for awhile, took some pictures. It was really nice. Maybe there weren't anyone there.
I saw Fong put in FB that she was very cold and shivering. So, Johnny called and told them to go back to the house (it's just within walking distance), and we started to hike up and back. It was really tough. Thank God that they have ropes to help, on one spot, Steve pulled me up as it was quite a big gap that I couldn't make it. Or will be very challenging for me to do it myself.
Then, it's all the way back. We took 1.02 hours to make it out. Saw Cheng and Fong sat on one of stall waiting for us. They enjoyed coconut drinks and watermelon. hmm.... make me envy...
So, cleaned ourselves up at Johnny's place before lunch. The famous roast duck shop in Cheras. Yes. we waited very long for our food to be served. Finished everything and head home to Seremban.
It was a good hike (Johnny kept saying)! :) And I wish I could return as I enjoyed it too. The locals have kept the place clean. :)