It was way before CNY that dad asked us if we want to join the dinner organised by his Church (Methodist) for a CNY dinner. I looked at calendar, Fridah!? That means I have to rush back from work?! Then, I checked again, it's public holiday!!!! Yea!!!! So, happily we agreed.

Total of 55 tables with 10 person on each table. Hence, a total of 550 people. wow.... The food was nice and the company too. Surely we had lau-sang. heheh.. and it was yummy.. a big fish too. :)
The dinner started on-time, in fact, slightly early and lasted for about 2 hours or so. Typical 9/10 course Chinese dinner.
It was closed to 10.30pm when we got home. Then, we saw these big insects which if bitten will swell on the floor. As we avoided them, we saw something strange. And took a second look, they were trying to mate or mating. oh.. this was interesting. Have not seen anything like that. So, I picked-up my camera and started sitting on the floor for an hour plus for the whole thing... haha.... Dad too. And we totally ignored the American Idol showing on TV. At one point, I felt that I was watching R rated movie, but, it's about bug... hahaahaha... so pengsan...