I planned so much this summer as it's gonna be my last summer in NZ. Though the thought of staying on was strong and the offer of help (should have take it rather than being so naive.. aiks.. ).
I went for 1 or 2 interviews (failed lar)... Once, I went to look for Wai Teng at Lower Hutt after my interview. I took so many pictures, I think the entire 24 negatives were all me only.. Well, the flowers were so pretty.
Went for drag netting also. However, I didn't go into the sea this time around. 1. More ppl joined. 2. Gave others the opportunity. Also, went to collect/ pick mussle from the sea. It's quite a nice experience. The law says: one can only take only if the mussle is as big as the palm. This is to protect the environment and habitat thingy. Then, we cooked them.. Yummy...
Oh.. I also went to public library to get some Chinese book. Else, I will lost it. Think about me unable to speak after only few months of not using it.. Scary..
I also worked quite a bit. 1. Full time in U-Save Autoparts world or as long as 40 hours a week, 2. part-time waitressing (yum-cha and dine in, both also Chinese restaurant), 3. assist in setting up shop (leather shop), 4. picking up trash after national cricket competition (so, we always have free show).. heheh...
Went to fruits picking. I drove up north with Wai Teng to find the place. We enjoyed ourselves so much.
We saw this huge cow on our way and I insisted to take a picture. Wai Teng was so afraid (it's a red car) and she snapped from the car.. pengsan... (Don't fool by the way we dressed, just 2 of us self declared as puteri lilin (afraid of sun)). pengsan...
We picked strawberry and eat at the same time, blueberries, wild berries. So much.. And the pumpkins were so huge and cheap. I graduated this summer in December.
It's quite fun. We walked/ parade from Parliament house to the City Hall during lunch hour. A lot of friends, relatives, office professionals stand by the roadside waving, cheering, clapping, taking pictures of us. I felt so proud of myself, I felt like as if I was the star. I supposed everyone of us did.
Ba and ma didn't go though I wish they would have. So, Su-poh came.
We took a lot of pictures. We went to botanical garden, the graduation itself, back to uni......
We had a dinner ourselves after the graduation. Just to celebrate. Actually, it's kinda mixed feelings where on one hand, it meant we achieved something, another we will be going into the 'real' world and separated with friends....
I was offered to take up MBA, I didn't due to financial. Though I would like to take that up very much.. It's very interesting to do finance management.
Another highlight of this summer: travel the entire NZ. I found out this company, Connection 18 - 35. It's something like Contiki. I find it slightly cheaper and cover more interesting places. So, I joined the 10 days trip covering North and South Island. Was it nice? I strongly recommend ppl. If one has a chance, self drive in NZ would be the best.
The tour will start from Christchurch. I went to Christchurch earlier, spent 1 - 2 days there. The last time I went was winter. And it's summer now. I was this BMW with the guy who went to Antarctica and back. So, that's the parade...
We headed to Dunedin. The weather changed so much and it's like winter for a day. I was freezing as I didn't prepare for the changed of weather in the midst of summer especially when the Southerly wind blew. We went to look at the returning of penguins. All these were yellow eye-penguin. We were talking in the tunnel and was told not to make noise (not to spoil the habitat) and no flash (not wanting to blind them). It's really interesting to see the parents came back from the ocean and start feeding the young ones...
Of course, we went to the steepest street in Southern hemisphere.
Next we went to West Coast, Milford Sound. It's a national park. Then, we were told that we will get on the cruise ride, out to Tasmania water. Not only that, we will be spending one night on the cruise. It's not a very big cruise. It's just nice. The scenery was awesome. I was really amazed with the creations of God.
The cruise parked at somewhere really quiet for the night and we woke up the next morning looking at the still water and the scenery was just so amazing. I felt so blessed. I have fallen in love with Milford Sound. For whoever going to New Zealand, Milford Sound is a MUST!!!! The Lord of The Ring was mostly shot here too.
From there, we travelled north to Queenstown. This is a place filled with activities, especially if you are really outdoor type of person and you are adventurous. Also, you will need to have $$$... heheh...
For me, I only took the speedboat which was really exciting. The driver drove so near to the cliff, make 180 degree turning. We had fun by screaming our heart out.. haha.... Then, most of the rest of the time, I was doing sight seeing since I already promised that I will not do bungy jump (else, I wouldn't be landed in NZ, the condition lor).
We went to glacier as well. Actually, only those who wanted to walk on the glacier should go. Miki and I just wanted to go and have a look though not knowing how to get back to where we stayed later. But, we didn't care so much. It's too expensive for us to have those activities especially for new born graduates. :(
So, we just walked, took pictures. We intended to walk back. Yes, it sounds crazy. As we walked and took pictures, there was an elderly couple gave us a ride back. Were we afraid. Sure!! Of course. Stranger!!! But, well, we were willing to take the risks... hahaha... pengsan...
Went to Picton to take the ferry to Wellington. My home. Wow... the place I was so familiar with. By then, I started to get a bit tired already.
We went to Rotorua. A place filled with sulphate. Our clothes, all our clothes I meant, smell like that. Gosh.. Even we close all the doors and windows.
We attended the Maori traditional performances, had dinner. The food was cooked with the heat from earth, sulphate. For me, food is food. Only to fill the stomach.. :s
Waikato was my last destination with the group. It's kinda sad to leave them, suddenly, though I was really tired by now. Waikato has this Aurora rabbit which has really long fur where they will have to shave the fur for winter clothing materials. Very expensive, was told by Chooi-Lee as she was in designing industry.
Then, I stopped at Auckland. I stayed with Annette (Taiwanese). We went to casino in Sky Tower. We didn't go in as we were not interested. I went for my hair cut, 2 hours or more for a dry cut. Gosh.... That guy was really careful, he studied my hair, explained, design, etc... ect.. I only knew my friends were starting to be impatienced. haha.. But, the end result?? We all loved it.. SO MUCH!!!! Worth the time... :)
Then, I travelled back to Wellington from Auckland by bus with Janice and Susanna. It's horrible. DON'T ever travel by bus.. It's super long hours and it's bad!!!!
oh... I nearly forgot. I make this bear as well... I sew it with my own hands. It's a birthday present for my younger sister. For someone like me, who doesn't sew, I was actually very proud of myself. hahah.... Ya.. I post the bear back. Well, later, they told me the connection on the neck was not firm enough and as if it will break his neck anytime.. aiks.. But, I have not seen this bear upon my return... Weird... Must be in one of those box, I figured...
Then, it's almost time to say good-bye. It's sad.... Went dinner with so many friends, so many appointments. I started to miss my room, missed the view from my room, the food by Su-poh, every moment with friends, Vic, the weather, the strong wind in Wellington, the earth quake, the lobsters, the mussle, the stars in summer nights, etc. etc. etc.....
I was once Wellingtonians.
I was really sad to say good-bye at the airport to those who came to send me off. 2 years 1 month or so in NZ. I didn't know when will I see them again. But, surely, I will miss them a lot.. I was so so down in the aircraft. I looked out the window and look at the seas, the ocean, the mountains.... Then, all slowly became smaller, soon disappear. I was tearing a little as I really controlled myself.
There closed a part of chapter of my life. I didn't go home from Wellington. I flew to Brisbane instead. Why? Cos, my younger sister, May Hui, just arrived there and starting her engineering degree with QUT. So, I went over to pass some winter clothing for her. (oh.. my belongings in Wellington, there were being cargo-ed back, should arrive 1 or 2 days later than me). Gave her some money I earned (so proud of myself again... pengsan...). Helped her to settle the bank, took her to her varsity. Basically, helping her to settle down.
Then, this time, I really flew back. Since, there's no direct flight. I had to go to Melbourne airport for transit. Also, I was looking for cheap ticket. The ground crew (he) was so funny, he saw me in my bermuda kinda pants with really nice cartoon and came from behind the counter wanna dance with me.. aiks.... so embarrassing... pengsan lar..
I arrived back to Malaysia (KLIA) about midnight. I have not seen my parents for more than 2 years and vice versa, will they recognise me? Will I recognise them? I was thinking a lot of questions on my way back, some really silly ones..
So, I arrived at KLIA (1st time at this new airport ler.. When I left, I was at Subang airport). Custome clearance was shocking. The officer was asking me question and I couldn't understand him. At first, I thought I didn't pay attention. Then, I got him to repeat himself. I still couldn't get him. I was a little panic, was there anything wrong with my passport? Then, he looked at me puzzled. He asked again, where are you from? (arh.. this I know. This is English...). I told him, I finished studying in New Zealand, now back from Australia. Then, he handed my passport back to me. I still didn't know what he was saying till few days later, I figured, he was asking me in Malay: Cik, dari mana? aiyoo.... pengsan.... How I know lar...
Then, next thing. I lost my luggage. Someone took my luggage. One of it. So, I was making report in English. Was so glad that the officer was helpful.
By the time I cleared everything, it was passed midnight. I came out, didn't see ba and ma. I just sat on the bench waiting. Then, I saw them in hurried and worried. Surprisingly that I was so calm when I told them I lost my luggage. They started to get worry as they didn't see any more passengers came out. They went to check on counter if I boarded, and what happened... haha.... Dramatic....
Reached home about 1am = almost 6am in NZ. I couldn't sleep. And I stayed up...
Upon returning, aside applying to job. I needa adjust myself on the culture here. 2 years can change me so much.. Eg. 1. I wore my shoes into the house (that's what I did when I stayed with Su-gong they all). Shoes right into the bed room. Vacuum lar.. So, mom had to remind me several times. 2. Public transport in Malay. errhh.. I sounded weird. 3. Nasi lemak was super spicy (though I still take spicy food in NZ), nasi lemak was still hot... 4. Weather is so hot and humid...
I was hospitalised right before I went for my interview (I got the job at the end).. Why?? Viral infection. Dad said, it's the nasi lemak and the weather that I cannot take... I agree. I was like fish on land... hahaha.. :D
So, after 10 years now. Many things happened... I still missed those time we spent in NZ..... It's not just words/ blog can do. It's there in my heart and up there in my memory.... :)
Then, it came the 2nd year in NZ and my final year in varsity. A year filled with mixed feelings...
That winter, I visited some friends studying in Otago. I flied in to Dunedin and went to Christchurch by van to visit another friend. Jane (whom I have lost contact now) took me the steepest street in Southern hemisphere. It's 45 degree and it's so amazing that ppl still can park their cars there...
Then, I visited Christchurch. The journey from Dunedin to Christchurch was 5 hours or more. It's tiring... :( But, I managed to see a lot.. hehe...
Here, I met with my sister's lecturer (like that also can). He was lecturing in RMIT, Australia and then moved to University of Canterbury. He was teaching Finance (my major)... Well, it's very nice of him to take me out for dinner and he introduced me to Peking Duck.. yummy...
This winter, we had the Christian camp also. This time, it's OCF + CU = NECF. It only happens every 4 years. Wow.. sounds like Olympic. And so, I went. It's fun. I am the only Asian in our bunk and the culture was a bit shocking. Winter without hot water was horrible. Still, I took my shower.
This winter I also went for a ski trip. Woohoo!!! I learnt that previously OCF did organised a yearly skiing trip. But, they didn't in my 1st year there. So, I started to sweet talk, persuaded the advisors to have one.. And finally, God answered my prayer. So, we went for the ski... woohoo!!! sweet-as... :D
It's kinda exciting. I think we had 2 - 3 vans there. Half way up the hill, we saw a lot of cars stopping aside and we learnt that we it's slippery going up and we need to chained up the wheels..
So, while waiting and traffic was heavy. I asked for permission to leave the van and stand by the road side and took some photos. Soon, more joined.. hehe...
After settling down, we went to the mountain. Started the skiing session after sorted out the renting or gears. It's not easy at all. And in fact, have to learn to fall (what??) and how to get up (the important part). There were snow making machine as the snow fall was not sufficient.
It was tiring to learn to ski. And for me, I was forever at the beginner session.. Scared lar.. What if I went down to the valley?? Don't play2...
Somehow, someone hit me with the snowball (actually iceball as it's fake snow and it's hard. It will be difficult to make snowball if it's real snow). Gosh.. It went straight into my face and I fall (imagine those you read in comic or saw in the cartoon). It's so painful and my left face was red... Then, before I manged to got up. Another into my direction. I was alone and more attacked... Wait a minute!!! What's happening?? They really enjoying attacking me. I tried to defence, but, not able to. I was literally crawling and screaming for help. And they decided to stop after seeing me defeated... Aiks...
We woke up the 2nd day and it was snowing. So, Janice and I went outside and took pictures ignoring the cold. And the snow flakes was exactly like the shape one see on Christmas tree. Wow!!! Amazing. Snow!!!
We went up to the mountain again and saw that where we sat the day earlier was covered with snow. It's much colder also after the snow. We didn't ski much that day as we need to get back soon. Oh.. With Japanese in our trip. Ok... They were the expert. Takashi is very good in skiing while Takeo is good in snow boarding. Guess what? Takashi and I were having the same birthday, same date, same month, same year. Wow!!! Amazing!!!!!!! COOL!!!! How many ppl actually met someone sharing the same birthday (aside twins lar, ok...)....
So, my 2 days 1 night ski trip ended. I was so tired once I reached home. Slept and my muscles were starting to relax and I can feel my body kinda 'jumped' on the bed... Well, too bad, I am not good in describing it.. But, the experience was different.
This winter, Wai Mun finished his degree and went back to Malaysia. The 5 of us from twinning programe (Janice, Susanna, Pang & Wai Mun) grew closer. We were like family. Whenever I was down, they will make me laugh, and we shared and care for each others. Then, of course, Dennis as well.
This winter, Russell and Lerk Shih left for Malaysia also. They have decided to come back to Malaysia for good. Until don't know when. I remembered Lerk Shih scolded/ lectured me for driving myself to the emergency clinic in the middle of the winter night. I was home alone then as great grandma was really back in Malaysia and the whole family was not around. I took some medications, still felt really sick that I thought I was dying. Then, it was my 1st winter in NZ. I didn't know if I was cold or what. I had heater and was still feeling very sick. So, I drove myself for doctor. Then, I realised that there were ppl out there who cared so much and willingly to give so much.
I also remembered it was Russell and Lerk Shih who took me for a 2 days 1 night up to Auckland in the summer. I was pretty down at work and they called me in the afternoon that they wanted to go to Auckland to visit a camp and if I wanted to tag along. Well, i wanted. After seeking approval from su-gong, they picked me up in the evening and we went. It's 8 hours drive from Wellington to Auckland.
So, we stayed somewhere for the night and continue the next day. Passed by the Dessert Road, and many towns, Lake Taupo, etc... It was a good breakaway. A good runaway and get to some where. Eversince, I didn't manage to do anything like that. For me: friends are to be there good and bad times. Especially bad times.
Then, it's exam and studies.... Till towards the end of Semester 2. Mid-Autum festivals. We invited friends over. Shared and have fellowship. Aloysious and I were the spokeperson for the night. pengsan....
Then, someone started to stick all their name tags on me.. So, I have all different names towards the end, front and back.
After that, it's big time to prepare for my final exam. Just before that, we make a birthday surprise for Rosalind. I baked her a cake. A Blackforrest cake. :) It's not bad, actually.. Just the shape was a bit weird as we didn't have the proper baking tray. haha.. pengsan....
After exam would be mid Spring and Summer. What did I do for my 2nd summer? arh.... Wanna know more??
So, I decided to go to Australia. Melbourne (Cheng Yin, my ex-housemate/ roomate during Inti time was there). Brisbane & Surfers Paradise and Sydney (cousin and uncle there). So, I rang home and told Su-gong about my plan. (Sure have to tell boss that I am stopping work for holiday, right? haha.. pengsan).. Then, I started planning. Yeah.. I managed to get cheap flight from Flight Center (cheapest I can get and eversince I used them). Sure, I travelled as I was a student. hahaha..... Student rate though still expensive for me.
So, it's a 14 days trip (if not mistaken). I flew into Melbourne. Experienced a little of local life. And Cheng Yin's friend took us to Casino. I think. I really can't remember. But, I think there's where the Planet Hollywood was.
We went to Great Ocean Road with a tour. My experience told me that it's better to go by self drive, whenever possible and give a bit more time by staying overnight. That's where one can truly enjoy. For us, it's only a day trip.
Well, it's hot. It's summer. But, there's no wind. So, unlike Wellington. Upon returning, I went out with my sister's friend (she has left Oz a year ago and still some friends there) for dinner/ supper. It's still bright though it's already about 8pm as it's summer.
We went into Melbourne U on our way for food. Cool.. I really like the campus as my uni is a city campus (though not really. It's on the hill). So, unlike this. I had ice-cream only and a bit of pizza as it's just too hot. Next, we went to Brisbane/ Surfers Paradise. By flight. I struggled a little if I should take flight or train. Train allows me to see more but longer. So, flight (I was a student)...
We just walked around Brisbane the 1st day. It's not that big. We managed to do that in a day or less.
Then, we went to Fraser Island. The largest sand island. The sand is so fine that it actually able to clean the jewleries. And it's really back to nature. I like rain forest. Actually, it's not that humid. We had to be on a special car, huge wheels as it's all sand. It's totally great experience. Yeah.. sis been there and she recommended. And I also recommending for those who have the time and appreciate nature.
OK. Then, back from Fraser Island. We are going to Surfers Paradise. We went by bus. And we went to 3 theme parks (cheaper mar...), Sea World, Movie World and Dream World.
In order to enjoyed everything, we were those early comers and the last (like ppl shutting down) to go. Fully utilised (kia-su lar... pengsan)... hahah... As the weather was so hot, i went for the same water ride so many times till I didn't even scream and just enjoy the water splashing on me. Yes... I know it's crazy. Who cares? Further, not many after certain hours and all free rides... Value back mar.. Those costume ppl like to tease me but not Cheng Yin. They pulled my bag, my hair, my clothes. aiyoo...
Oh.. the little car can spray water. And I sneaked into the car while the owner (magician) was away.. haha... :D
What's next?? Sydney. It's still hot. We joined the day tour thingy to go round the city. There's the bus for one to hop in and out. It's so convenient.
Blue mountain was hazzy then. Personally, I didn't quite like Sydney as it's a big city. Also, maybe I was tired after so many days of travelling.
So, time to go back and start to prepare for the start of semester especially, this time around, I have volunteered myself on the Orientation thingy (since most my kaki not around). I have to find something to keep myself busy.
Oh... This summer, su-gong they all shifted as well. I thought I could find the chance to stay in hostel. But, well... So, we moved to Paremata. Even further than varsity. It's about 30 - 40 minutes drive. And I couldn't take public transport. Else, I have to walk quite a distance to catch the train to city. From there take a bus. aiyoo.... When we were in Seatoun, since Kawai also doing his BA, he normally fetched me to and from school. Otherwise, I will take bus (about 45 - 60 minutes). So, since moved, I got to drive myself and parking on the hilly area aint fun at all. And paying the parking fees, petrol.. aiyoo... Oh.. I was using Kawai's car then.
This summer, I got myself a NZ driving license.
This summer, I did something else also. Dragnetting. Ruby's friends decided to go to the beach and had the yearly thingy. So, I followed. And so Ruth and her friends (they were TNB scholarship holders in various universities in NZ). Initially, it's kinda scary to walk with a net in the sea (cos I don't know how to swim mar). And the sea level was above chest. When the wave came, it could be till my neck. Scary.. But, I have someone or 2 with me as it really required a lot of strength. I got sunburnt from it though it's a gloomy day. By the time I washed up and ready to feast on our catch was about 9.30pm, I didn't notice it at all as it was still bright.
Have been wanting to blog about my life in NZ for a long time. And I still kinda lazy and hesitated to start. Anyway, since I have done hald way and left the write-up. Thought, I should just finished it.
It's about 12 years now since I decided to pursue my degree in NZ. A lot of people asked me why did I choose to study in NZ. And during then, a lot of ppl also tried to tell me to go Oz instead. With the twinning programe I did with Inti College, 1 year(9-10 months to be exact) intensive Pre-U. I can only remembered, I hardly have holidays and I have class on Saturday which makes me home sick so much. Anyway.... After which, I enrolled into NZ Programe. I didn't want the UK programe partly because it's 2+1 but, I wanted 1+2. And UK was way too expensive. And it is still now. Furthermore, I always imagine UK to be gloomy (aiks.. that will spoil my mood). So, no way. NZ is good. Then, after 1 year (or 9 months again). I have a choice again to change to RMIT (which my sister was doing), or continue with NZ. If I wanted to go NZ, then, I have to choose which U. Otago was then the only contract signed. Victoria.. would be the official 1st batch doing twinning with (the contract was not finalised then and we have to apply ourselves.
After much talking, praying, consultation. I've decided to go to Wellington. Victoria University of Wellington. Why? Not exactly know. Wanna go NZ cos everyone is going to Oz. I wanted something different. Wellington. Maybe the same. Most of them going to Otago, Dunedin. I wanna be different. oh.. Maybe because su-gong (grand uncle) is there also.. And only 5 of us going to Wellington. And I didn't know the others 4.
So, after the long procedures and worrying and waiting. Off I went to Wellington. My 1st time travelling overseas on flight and alone (the other 4 went separately). It's a super long journey. Basically, I vomitted all the way there. The entire 10 - 12 hours flight. First, the flight from KL - S'pore was delayed and no air-cond though they tried. Still.. It's so stuffy. Then, I was late to check-in at Changi Airport. I was rushing from 1 terminal to another. So, I didn't get a good seat... Very behind and near the toilet. Then, I started to throw out, due to the rushed and the heat earlier. So, I couldn't and didn't eat anything and only managed to sleep a little. Then, they start serving breakfast. Cos, NZ is 5 hours ahead (in summer) of Malaysia. When I reached Auckland airport. I think i looked so pale and I just sat there waiting for my connecting flight to Wellington. So tired and I dare not sleep as I need to take care of my own luggages. Then, the flight to Wellington was bumpy and in a small flight. It's Wellington.
Finally, landed. Kawai picked me up from the airport. Well, my room was not really ready. And where's Su-gong and Su-poh? Well, they were holidaying in Surfers Paradise. And I fall asleep on the sofa until Kawai woke me up for dinner. What?? Dinner?? It's fast and I was not hungry. Gee.....
And so, the next few days was to open bank account, get some $$, going to Uni. Get familiar with the place.
Oh.. I was staying at Seatoun, super near to the airport, like 5 - 10 minutes. And about 20 - 25 minutes to Varsity by car.
So, my uni life began after enrolling myself. Oh... What about the other 4 person. Well, since we didn't have cell phone those days, I gave them my contact at Su-gong's place and thanked God they called me.
So, I joined the Orientation for International Students which was quite cool. That's where I knew about OCF (Overseas Christian Fellowship) and WMSO (Wellington Malaysian Society Organisation). We went up to Mt. Victoria. And later I was told local students have different type of orientation. And we had our Orientation dinner which was cool... Well, of course, no free food. Each country will have to perform something.
Then, throughout the 1 - 2 weeks of the beginning of the Semester, there were so many booths/ tables set-up right in front of the courtyard in front of library so the newbies can join the clubs/ societies. Oh.. there's free hotdog with bread given away.. They just gave and it's really yummy especially when the weather was cold.. haha...
My very 1st activity - shooting organised by WMSO. It's fun. Later, I am not so comfortable with WMSO as some of the language used. Sorry.. But, that's the truth...
Next, I went to camp. Yeah!!! My 1st time camping. Someone told me there's an Esther camp with the OCF from Massey University, Palmerston North (Pammy - nick name) and I went. Well, I was a 1 day late, I think. So, I went to horse riding and kayaking in a pond (without knowing how to swim). I couldn't see the bottom of the pond as the water was really black. I figured it must be quite deep.
I think there's where I started to join OCF.
Then, it's the yearly OCFers camp. It's a big thing. There's where all the OCFers from all over NZ will gather for 1 week or so during the winter break to worship God. It's really a cool experience. That year (1997), WOCF was the organiser and I was helping out the committee. I was quite blessed that I managed to get Kawai to let me use his car. So, I managed to fetch a few ppl to the camp site. And the tough part was I was assigned to be a cell leader for the young believers (this is really testing).
I met Ruth (my classmate from Inti, she went to Otago) as I was doing the registration. We screamed and were so excited. haha... oh.. WOCFers painted our face blue on the blue night. Fun!! Fun!!! Fun!!! Also, I think I slept the least during this whole week as normally, the program ended quite late at about 10pm - 11pm. Then, we will have fellowship session and catching up with each other. And since I was the cell leader, I needed to prepare materials. So, sometimes, I will only do that after the entire thing or I will wake up at 3am to prepare. Also, to seek God as I needed Him to guide and teach me to teach others. It's really a big and scary task.
Well, it also taught me to have total reliance on God and everything will be alright. :) Amen!!
After the camp. Somehow someone in OCF said that we needed to have a 1 night WOCFers thingy. We need to be united. 1 night? That's like 24 hours thingy. We only slept very little. Like 1 - 2 hours. And it's winter. I went. It was awesome. The activities were awesome. We worked in small teams and have to run away from the soldier while doing treasure hunt in the dark and not cought by the soldiers. We had to go underground (which was scary initially), go into the woods (not very deep). And it's raining and in winter.
Gee.. It's tired and yet it was totally worth it. And I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it. In between all these, of course, it's the normal student life of attending lectures, going between lecture halls, going between buildings, waiting for next lectures, tutorials, assignment, etc... You named it... I took 4 subjects on the 1st semester and 2nd semester which was quite heavy as the education system was not as what I used to.
Then, at the last OCF meeting, we decided to combined with CU (Christian Union - basically attended by mostly Kiwis). And it was a surprised that a birthday party was thrown for all the October babies.. haha.. Actually, it's the exam period. We had the party at the basement of one of the local church.
It's a cultural night. My Kimono was a real Kimono lend by a very nice Japanese friend. :)
Normally, after the year end exam. It's a long awaited summer holiday. Well, normally, we will go to botanical garden which was behind our university. Sometimes, Kawai parked his car till there. No other place lor.. It's not that very far. Either walk or by cable car.
So, what did I do for my 1st summer? Negotiated so long with family that I really felt like going home (back to Malaysia) as I really missed them so much and the food though Su-poh cooked especially majority of my gang got the return ticket and went home. Still.. Then, I decided not to. So, what did I do? I worked. Worked in U-Save Autoparts (Su-kong's business), part time waitressing. I hardly conversed in Mandarin the entire summer till I nearly lost it. When I rang home, it's kinda weird to speak Mandarin with them and they were guessing on what I wanted to say. haha...
So, aside working and working. What else did I do? I went for holiday with my own $$$... haha... Whereabout? Wait till the next blog.... ;)
It's public holiday (again!?).. woohoo!!!! It's Deepavali where Indian celebrate the victory over the evil one... There were a lot of fire crackers once the clock past 12 midnight. Apparently, it is more happening than CNY. Wow....
There's GLS (Global Leadership Summit) seminar in church today. I didn't sign-up for it as initially, I thought this will be the usual peak times at work where I will have to work on the 3 years business plan thingy (which was done about a month ago now). Pastor Sally asked me in church yesterday if I would join them today. hmm... Not really... I have other plans already though I could have be flexible enough to change and just to attend today's session (it's a 2 days thingy)... Anyway....
So, what did I do?
Well, nothing much basically. I helped mom on this little plant thingy. I always saw it in our garden. I always thought it's just another useless plant and will pull them away until few months back when mom told me it's actually medicine.. errhhh..... sorry.... Well, she didn't know until she read from books as well. *phew*...
So, it is kinda amazing plant. It's actually good for eyes *blink* Good for eyes?! (Remembered my eye were so painful without specific reason during raya.. So, this maybe what I needed)... Mom boiled some the other day but I was in KL. So, she is going to boil again today and insist that I have to drink. I think she boiled this before. The seeds of the plant if like little black pepper. It's kinda quite. It's kinda easy to do it. Just clean it, use the whole plant (of course not the root lar.. pengsan), put water add some brown sugar. And that's it. It's not that difficult to boil or drink. Just like a drink.... (Not like those Chinese medicine thingy)...
So, where can you find them? It's just in the garden, in the pot, God's given.
What else I did so far?
I managed to finish the crosstich.. Another piece.. haha... I have told a friend (Steven Heah) that I am going to make one for him when the wife got conceived. Well, due to my busy schedule (and laziness.. aiks....), I only managed to finish today. And the little princess already here and I think it's almost time for full moon. Aiks.... Actually, this piece is much easier than the wedding one I make for Susanna. Now, I need to frame it. I hope they will like it.
Anymore crosstich?? Maybe not the near future, aye.. Sewing it's not my thing... It's a pain to sew... Dad was asking why don't I just go buy something... hmm... True, but, for me, if I were to buy something, what should I buy? And I am not the shopping type of person also.. aiks..
Kjersti left DiGi today. It was quite hard for me to take the news. Somehow I suspected something since yesterday but, I didn't know it will be this. I felt something is not right. And the feeling got worse this morning... Then, came the breaking news.
She took me into Technology to support her which I was really grateful of that. Ever since, she has been coaching and teaching me in all aspects. She really took me to a higher level thinking - more strategic and dynamic which I really appreciate a lot.
Thank you so much Kjersti!! I will miss you a lot!!! And I wish you all the best!
Celebration of my birthday today by TMT together with Tan Boon Hwa's. It's kinda weird as it's neither both of our birthday today. Mine was over and his is yet to come.
Few days ago, Fong told me that the part of lake garden which closed for upgrade was opened. I knew what's in her mind. And she told me again Friday night while I was caught in the crazy traffic jam and complaining on the way to Kota Damansara.
So, we went there this morning. Reached there at 6.50am as I couldn't sleep well the night before. Maybe the food from the earlier night didn't work quite well in my stomach.. haha.. pengsan.. Anyway, we started walking and saw the zinc used to cover the upgrading area was removed and replaced by the warning band... We saw people walking through and I knew Fong will do that too. And we did... aiyoo.... This is illegal, right?? pengsan... Still, we walked pass that and walked into the newly upgraded part of the lake garden.
It's kinda exciting and yet a little disappointing that it's not as what we expected. And of course, the pond need a serious touch-up. And I think there's a fountain there in the middle.
It's really like discovering new places. Walked passed the state mosque, A&W, former Hilton Hotel. Then, we saw this place like amphitheatre/ tent thingy. Fong was telling, maybe can have Starbucks here (remind me of someone owing me). And I said, maybe we can have some outing here. Like Aspirers can do something here, since there's a wall, an empty wall which they can use for projecting... arh....
So, we walked 2 big circles covering the old and new portion until Min Chee said, time to go for breakfast. Maybe give them another 2 weeks to clean-up the place and I think it will be really nice. :)
It's been awhile we went out for dinner together. And tonight (despite my many complaints on the madness of crazy), we went to Tony Roma's. Early celebration of me and Boon Hwa's birthday.
The food: ribs and ribs and more ribs... The interior: alright The price: ??? (aint paying... hehe...) :p The companion: excellent!!! (both thumbs up) :)
Maybe we should have this more often. Of course, go AA/ Dutch. It's relaxing + fellowship + know each other better...