Gunung Nuang is located in Selangor. We departed Seremban before 6am. It's so crazy.
Then, we met up some of the gang traveled from KL. Divided into few groups and the journey started.
It was a long walk before starting to ascend. It was toughed. We went beyond the mid-point and it started to rain. Then, we decided not to summit and turn back since we are tired and it's raining. And it's muddy.
And we rested at Pacat (means leech). Indeed, a place filled with leech. I am very afraid of leeches actually. Then, I felt a pain at my left ankle and I thought I was bitten by an ant or what. But, when I looked at it, it was a leech there. ARRHHH!!!! I screamed. And it was so painful. KG helped to put the salt. But, it was still there despite the salt. And it was getting more painful. So, KG has to put more salt and pull it out. Gosh!! It was horrible. The mark is still there until today. Who said salt is very effective to get rid of leech? Who said it doesn't hurt bitten by a leech?? All NOT true. Pain so much.. and salt is useless.
After awhile, we started to descent. And it was getting darker and the rain started again with thunder. It was so dark especially when we were walking in the jungle. I was walking alone for quite a distance. No one was with me, they have gone ahead. I just felt like as if I was going to die as my legs were really tiring. I was thinking, what if a tree felt hit by thunder and fall on me? What if I was hit by thunder or lightning? What if a tiger came out? There were so many thoughts in my mind. And I was praying. And I kept telling myself that I have to get out of that place.
And finally, I was out. And we waited for those who sumitted to come back as well. Everyone arrived at about 8.30pm. It was a super tiring trip. We only had our dinner closed to 10pm. Of course, we had our shower before we depart. Well, the shower place has got no light. Gee....
I don't want to go back to Gunung Nuang. It has no fun at all. It's torturing, both physically and mentally. Not good.. :(