Got a message from mom on Friday night asking me to collect the passionfruit and eat them. For once, I thought she is joking with me since she is in Perth now. I was thinking, arh.... telling me to imagine the passion fruit..... Very funny......
Then, I remembered we have a passion fruit tree gave by the neighbour behind. hmm.... Well, I thought it was just recently that she gave us and the last time I saw it was still small. It's bearing fruit already? Must be joking.
I went out and take a look. Wow... Yes.. total 5 fruits. 2 of them has changed colour (no longer green). Mom said, can eat them as long as not green. The most wonderful thing was not to worry if were to stung by bees as the skin is quite thick....
I didn't know that passion fruit tree is actually a climbing vine type rather than a tree.... So, they need fence or something to hold them up. Interesting uh.... And I found this article:
haha..... And this is the 1st fruit. hmm.... Shouldn't I offer it as sacrifice, you know.... The Bible says, offer the 1st fruit..... hmm.....
Hey..... Unbelievable that we have passionfruit tree as well. I know my neighbour been selling about RM5/kg, if not mistaken. People gotta pre-book.
And I realised something too. The rambutan tree is having flower again, and soon another fruitting season. woohoo..... :D
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