Sent parents to KLIA this morning for a trip to Perth. Visit my elder sister and the family.
After checking-in the luggage, we headed for McD breakfast. They took the chicken porridge while I had pancakes. It's kinda heavy for me. And it reminded me with the huge layered pancakes with fruits in Wellington... yummy...
Min Chee suddenly decided to come and sit with me. She said, she has not sat with me before in Sunday which I don't think so. Anyway, I felt great despite her 3-8-ness (craziness). A friend who came and wanted to sit with me... wow... Honoured... Not sure about you, but, I can easily be touched by small gesture of ppl. :)
The singing started and it was still normal. Till the Sermon by Pastor Sally. God is watching. 1King 19:1-18.
Elijah ran when Jezebel wanted to kill him. He was tired and canme to a broom tree where he prayed that God to take his life. Then, he lay down and fell asleep. Then, an angle came told him to get up and eat and lay down again. And 2nd time, the angel came and told him to eat and drink. Strengthen by the food, he traveled 40 days and 40 nights until he reached Hored, the mountain of God. Then, he went into a cave and spent the night.....
What struck me? At times, I prayed the same thing. I asked God to take my life as I have had enough. I don't want to struggle and suffer any more. Well, must be glad that God didn't answer those prayers as I have had not done enough for Him.
Our spiritual struggles: 1. Danger of looking at the circumstances. Learn to focus on God again. Faith is the greatest of all, not fear. We just need to be still.
2. Danger of self-pity.
3. Danger of feeling indispensable. This leads to pride and start blaming and focusing on problems.
Spiritual restoration: 1. Refreshed. Rest physically and spiritually. We must rest and only God will strenghten us. Sleep. The body is the temple of God which I need to take care of. (Mom kept on pointing at me and so was Min Chee, till Pastor noticed and kinda told me to rest)... Yes, I heard it loud and clear. Will do. Will try to sleep more. How can one sleep if one is not that tired? hmm.......
2. Rediscover God. Get out of the caves (offense, despair/ discourage/ isolated, comfort). Remove the noise and focus on God and hear God.
3. Reassignment - serve others. Jesus was here to serve us and not to be served.
4. Relationship - start connecting
Wow.... What a powerful message.... Later in the evening, as I read the Chinese paper, Sunday edition, the same message, 1 King 19. Elijah was running and struggling and wanted God to take his life. A lot of times, we are too harsh on ourselves, we failed and couldn't stand up and not allowing us to find rest instead finding all ways to sort ourselves out. We forgot the broom tree behind us. We forgot that God is there watching over us and only He will strengthen us.
Oh.. Lord, I am weak and only Your grace is sufficient for me. Teach me to find rest in You. Teach me to slow down and lean on You. Tech me to be humble. Teach me Your ways, Lord. And knowing that You will see me through all seasons. All glory unto You!!!!
Was supposed to go to Bukit Panorama this weekend. It got cancelled as some friends have some ad-hoc company event that need to attend to. It was such a great disappointment for me. I have been waiting for this weekend for so long..... Well, life is full of surprises. I shall asked some other friends who would like to go with me. Or, maybe I go by myself? ;)
So, since that was not happening. I told Eunice and Uncle Pang to review Church account's on Saturday instead of Sunday.
I told Fong to contact Min Chee if she would like to go 'crazy' with us to Jusco after the church thingy. Well, Min Chee suggested to go to Ostrich farm instead... uh?!!!! errhh..... In this kind of hot weather, well.... I think Jusco is better...
We visited a Ngonga restaurant in Terminal 2 for our lunch. Min Chee and Matthew with their nephew were there much earlier when both Fong and I arrived at 2+pm. We left church at about 2pm. Yeap... Both of us wanted to finish as much as possible as next week will be the audit week.
Fong had the Ngonga Fried noodle and I had Asam Laksa. It was spicy hot and I had cendol too. hahah.... :D
What's next? Min Chee and Matthew went home while both Fong and I went to Jusco. I spent quite a lot, ~ RM300, within 2 hours. :O On some books.... Reminded comment from my elder sister whenever we go shopping, keep that girl out from bookstore. She will and can get stuck for hours and she will be spending her money on those books... hahaha..... Quite true to some extend. Or, I can sit in there and read..... Then, I don't have to buy. wahahah..... lol... Where I learn this? From Wellington lar... ;P
Was in Jusco till about 6-ish pm as Fong had a dinner in S2.
So, I was out the house since about 10am till evening. And I can sense that the complain is coming "Is this your hotel or house?" kinda thing....
hmm..... Afterall, it was quite a good Saturday though packed. Enjoyed the time with friends. Friends whom one can be loud at yet understand, friends whom one can just be yourself. So comfortable. No need to wear mask, who cares about the lady-like... Just relax and chill....
Thanks to Fong and Min Chee.... :) It meant a lot for me as the 'ruined' plan and horrible Friday I had was terrible.. Love and hugs....
It's 'Black Friday' actually and it's also eve of Valentine's Day. My office provided florist service this year. Ppl could pre-ordered the flowers and picked them up at a certain time on Friday.
And my boss got a stalk of flower. Was teasing him that given by a secret admirer.. (Actually, I roughly knew where it came from)...
In the evening, he gave me the pink rose. Being I have been working too much... hahah... That's so nice of him.... My CTO gave me flower... :D
It's quite funny that one who don't appreciate flower and encourage ppl to give flower received one..... Ya.. I know.. a lot of ppl said, I am so materialistic... Well, I think, I am just being practical and rational. Don't u reckon??? What about you?
oh..... Went out for dinner with a friend as well..... hahah... Not as you thought....
An arranged CNY lunch. We wanted to 捞生。It's my first one for this CNY. Apparently, one can only find this tradition/ food in Malaysia & Singapore. It just sympolise many many good things in the coming year. haha.. It's fun.. We did it in English and saying good things/ wishes in the coming years.
Yupe. A nice lunch though some of us gotta rush back to office for meetings. :(
立春 simply means the 1st day of Spring. I read from a blog that the gravity on this day is so strong that the egg will stand. I have been reminding myself to try it on this day. Though I am renting outside (where to get an egg), well, simply borrowed from landlady.
However, I have totally forgotten about it due to the heavy schedule. Sooooooooo sad.... :(
Well, please read on my friend's blog to find out. It works... And I hope I can remember it next year..